Leroy Charles Mumme

This is the Family tree of Leroy Charles Mumme, a member (in the 25th generation) of a great family.
Leroy has 63 ancestors and 3 heirs; further 850 relatives by blood (244 living).

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  1. Leroy Charles Mumme born 1911-10-10 in Karnes ,TX,USA - 1978
    1. Damon Goodwin Mumme born 1955-02-08 in USA  
      1. Cheryl Marleen Mumme born 1974-08-31 in Bexar, TX, USA
      2. Brandon Louis Mumme born 1984-11-15 in Bexar, TX, USA   


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Last change: 2019-08-01 (Impressum)