Bertha M. Mumme

This is the Family tree of Bertha M. Mumme, a member (in the 25th generation) of a great family.
Bertha has 60 ancestors and 17 heirs.

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  1. Bertha M. Mumme born 1892-09-24 in Unknown - 1989
    1. Ruth Edwina Betz born before 1910 in Unknown - 1920
    2. Naomi Theodora Betz born 1911-10-20 in San Antonio Texas - 1997   
      1. Patricia Ruth Pelt born 1931-10-12 in USA - 1987
        1. Gilbert Franklin Jr. McBee born 1951-07-26 in Nueces,TX,USA
          1. Patrick Sean McBee born 1980-05-12 in Harris, TX, USA
        2. Glenn Kelly McBee born 1954-05-27 in USA
          1. Shanna Michele McBee born 1979-05-01 in Smith,TX,USA
        3. Mark McBee born after 1955 in USA
      2. Elizabeth Blanche Pelt born 1933-11-28 in USA
        1. Stephen Michael Smith born 1951-12-18 in USA
        2. Gary Charles Smith born 1953-12-01 in Bexar,TX,USA
        3. Lori Sue Smith born 1956-07-20 in USA
        4. Jill Anne Smith born 1966-09-15 in USA
          1. Jackson Konley Luce born 1993-04-30 in Collin,TX,USA
          2. Justice Thomas Luce born 1995-08-13 in Collin,TX,USA
      3. Naomi Faith Pelt born 1935-11-02 in USA
        1. Karen Faye Wilkinson born 1958-03-24 in USA


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