DBconnecti: ip=, myip= Family tree of Georg Friedrich Gebhardt nacido en 1781-10-09 in Schopfheim

Georg Friedrich Gebhardt

This is the Family tree of Georg Friedrich Gebhardt, a member (in the 20th generation) of a great family.
Georg has 10 ancestors and 24 heirs.

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  1. Georg Friedrich Gebhardt born 1781-10-09 in Schopfheim
    1. Margaretha Barbara Gebhardt born 1805-10-08 in Unknown - 1886
      1. Friedrich Schumacher born 1828-12-23 in Neu-Pasua, H - 1856
        1. Catharina Schumacher born 1852-12-29 in Neu-Pasua, H
          1. Elisabetha Huber born unknown to us in Unknown
          2. Elisabetha Huber born unknown to us in Unknown
          3. Peter Huber born 1872-10-19 in Neu-Pasua, H
          4. Catharina Huber born 1874-12-05 in Neu-Pasua, H
          5. Samuel Huber born 1877-01-06 in Neu-Pasua, H - 1944
          6. Friedrich Huber born 1884-08-05 in Neu-Pasua, H
        2. Elisabetha Schumacher born 1856-05-09 in Neu-Pasua, H
      2. Jacob Schumacher born 1833-05-16 in Neu-Pasua, H
    2. Johann Friedrich Gebhardt born 1808-01-10 in Neu-Pasua, H - 1809
    3. Johann Jacob Gebhardt born 1809-10-05 in Neu-Pasua, H - 1881
      1. Anton Gebhardt born unknown to us in Unknown
      2. Adam Gebhardt born unknown to us in Unknown
      3. ??? Gebhardt born unknown to us in Unknown
      4. Philipp Gebhardt born unknown to us in Unknown
      5. Catharina Gebhardt born 1835-06-21 in Neu-Pasua, H - 1870
      6. Georg Gebhardt born 1837-03-10 in Neu-Pasua, H - 1840
      7. Maria Elisabetha Gebhardt born 1839-08-22 in Neu-Pasua, H - 1902
      8. Jacob Gebhardt born 1841-11-14 in Neu-Pasua - 1912  
      9. Margaretha Gebhardt born 1844-07-25 in Neu-Pasua, H - 1847
      10. Margaretha Gebhardt born 1852-03-29 in Neu-Pasua, H - 1873
        1. Jacob Bussmann born 1871-12-07 in Neu-Pasua, H


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