Vivian Hillery Neuman

This is the Family tree of Vivian Hillery Neuman, a member (in the 25th generation) of a great family.
Vivian has 66 ancestors and 10 heirs.

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  1. Vivian Hillery Neuman born 1915-01-19 in Hondo, Medina, Texas, USA - 1993
    1. Donald James Neuman born 1938-01-10 in USA
      1. Keith Layne Neumann born 1961-10-24 in Wichita,TX,USA  
        1. Garrett Layne Neuman born 1989-03-11 in Brazos, TX, USA   
        2. Preston Huntley Neumann born 1993-11-04 in Brazos,TX,USA   
      2. Cheryl Lynn Neumann born 1963-02-27 in USA
      3. Brian Douglas Neumann born 1965-02-03 in USA
    2. Larry Dwayne Neuman born 1946-05-20 in USA
      1. Shaun Layne Neuman born 1979-06-16 in USA   
      2. Layne Aaron Neuman born 1983-08-19 in Medina,TX,USA   
      3. Lance Alan Neuman born 1983-08-19 in Medina,TX,USA   


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