Joseph Leonard Fohn

This is the Family tree of Joseph Leonard Fohn, a member (in the 24th generation) of a great family.
Joseph has 3 ancestors and 15 heirs.

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  1. Joseph Leonard Fohn born 1867-10-07 in D'Hanis, Medina, Texas, USA - 1941 (Real estate agent)
    1. Marjorie Fohn born about 1901 in TX, USA
      1. Joel Sutherland born about 1925 in Alabama, USA   
    2. Leonard Fohn born 1904-09-09 in Fulton, Aransas, Texas,USA - 1980 (Prospector real estate)
      1. Sharon Lee Fohn born 1944-05-24 in Bexar,TX, USA
        1. Stephen Ray Soetaert born 1964-10-18 in Bexar,TX, USA    
        2. Gerald Wayne Soetaert born 1965-12-25 in Bexar,TX, USA
        3. Timothy Alan Soetaert born 1968-08-27 in Bexar,TX, USA    
          1. Kamden Collotzi born after 1986 in Unknown
          2. Lauren Soetaert born after 1986 in Unknown
          3. Korey Soetaert born after 1986 in Unknown
        4. Theodore Lee Soetaert born 1970-08-13 in Harris,TX, USA
        5. Tracy Lynn Soetaert born 1970-08-13 in Harris,TX, USA   
      2. Nancy Sue Fohn born 1946-04-05 in Bexar,TX, USA
        1. Yvette Suzanne Skeen born 1971-06-11 in Harris,TX, USA (Teacher)   
      3. Barbara Kay Fohn born 1947-06-04 in Bexar,TX, USA


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