Fritz William Bohmfalk

This is the Family tree of Fritz William Bohmfalk, a member (in the 24th generation) of a great family.
Fritz has 9 ancestors and 19 heirs.

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  1. Fritz William Bohmfalk born 1883-01-17 in Medina, Texas, USA - 1976
    1. Lloyd Kenney Bohmfalk born 1916-10-28 in Medina, Texas, USA - 1932
    2. Helen Doris Bohmfalk born 1918-12-06 in Yancey, TX
      1. Lloyd Oscar Eaddy born 1946-09-24 in Uvalde, Texas, USA
        1. Linda Marlene Eaddy born 1971-03-24 in Comal, Texas, USA
        2. Robert Owen Eaddy born 1973-07-17 in Comal, Texas, USA
        3. Carrie Elaine Eaddy born 1977-03-25 in Comal, Texas, USA
        4. Elizabeth Ann Eaddy born 1980-02-29 in Comal, Texas, USA
      2. Anna Lee Eaddy born 1949-09-30 in Medina, Texas, USA - 2004
        1. Jeanne Marie Hellsten born 1980-03-10 in San Antonio, Bexar, TX, USA   
          1. Kendall Lee Bryant born 2005-02-22 in San Antonio, Bexar, TX, USA
          2. Ryleigh Ann Bryant born 2008-05-30 in San Antonio, Bexar, TX, USA
        2. Laurie Ann Hellsten born 1982-09-08 in Bexar, Texas, USA   
          1. Taryn Lee Dougherty born 1997-07-25 in San Antonio, Bexar, TX, USA
          2. Dane Brochner Sweda born 2008-05-20 in San Antonio, Bexar, TX, USA
      3. Charles William Eaddy born 1951-09-21 in Medina, Texas, USA
        1. Julia Diane Eaddy born 1991-04-21 in Dallas, TX, USA
      4. Janet Elizabeth Eaddy born 1956-12-16 in Medina, Texas, USA
        1. Melanie Denise Eaddy born 1988-09-05 in Nueces, Texas, USA   
        2. Samantha Ashly Denham born 1990-08-28 in Bexar, Texas, USA    


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