Thomas Leroy Bohmfalk

This is the Family tree of Thomas Leroy Bohmfalk, a member (in the 25th generation) of a great family.
Thomas has 10 ancestors and 9 heirs; further 366 relatives by blood (59 living).

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Show generations: 3 4 5 8 all (Level: 99) Write a Comment,
  1. Thomas Leroy Bohmfalk born 1928-12-01 in Bisbee, Cochise County, AZ , USA (career Navy man)  
    1. Laura Bohmfalk born after 1946 in USA
      1. Meredith Hardt born unknown to us in Unknown
      2. Ammon Hardt born unknown to us in Unknown
      3. Gary Hardt born unknown to us in Unknown
      4. Michael Hardt born unknown to us in Unknown
      5. Katelyn Hardt born unknown to us in Unknown
      6. Joeline Hardt born after 1964 in Unknown  
      7. Michelle Hardt born after 1964 in Unknown
    2. Myra Bohmfalk born after 1946 in USA


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Last change: 2019-08-01 (Impressum)