Dora Ray Enderle

This is the Family tree of Dora Ray Enderle, a member (in the 25th generation) of a great family.
Dora has 8 ancestors and 27 heirs.

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  1. Dora Ray Enderle born about 1924 in TX, USA
    1. Jay Michael Hillin born 1952-07-11 in Hidalgo, TX, USA
      1. Shaun Michael Hillin born 1978-12-18 in Jefferson, TX, USA   
      2. Meghan Marie Hillin born 1983-11-15 in Jefferson, TX, USA   
    2. Ray Nevils Hillin born 1953-07-26 in Jefferson, TX, USA
      1. Brandon Ray Hillin born 1974-11-04 in Jefferson, TX, USA
      2. Marisa Kathryn Hillin born 1976-09-25 in Jefferson, TX, USA
      3. Kristopher Thomas Hillin born 1982-09-12 in Jefferson, TX, USA   
    3. Debra Anne Hillin born 1954-07-21 in Jefferson, TX, USA  
      1. John Walter Smith born 1982-09-16 in Beaumont, Jefferson, TX, USA   
      2. Michael Noah Smith born 1989-04-28 in Meridian, MS, USA  
    4. Steven Bryant Hillin born 1955-08-10 in Jefferson, TX, USA   
    5. Nester Marvin Hillin born 1956-08-05 in Jefferson, TX, USA   
      1. James Bose Hillin born 1977-10-31 in Jefferson, TX, USA  
      2. Jessica Leigh Hillin born 1981-05-20 in Jefferson, TX, USA  
        1. Audrey Leigh Johnson born 2011-02-23 in Unknown
      3. Elizabeth Anne Maureen Hillin born 1985-02-22 in Jefferson, TX, USA
    6. Bea Linda Hillin born 1957-08-12 in Jefferson, TX, USA  
      1. Amanda Kristine Talcott born 1987-07-13 in Jefferson, TX, USA  
      2. Nester Andrew Talcott born 1989-02-02 in Jefferson, TX, USA   
    7. Judy Kay Hillin born 1959-09-21 in Jefferson, TX, USA
    8. Edmund Gerard Hillin born 1962-01-31 in Jefferson, TX, USA
      1. Kori Renee Hillin born 1988-05-06 in Jefferson, TX, USA  
      2. Chance Calvin Hillin born 1991-02-27 in Jefferson, TX, USA   
    9. Tedmund Patrick Hillin born 1962-01-31 in Jefferson, TX, USA  
      1. Catherine Hillin born unknown to us in Unknown
      2. Lauren Hillin born unknown to us in Unknown  
    10. Monica Lee Hillin born 1963-09-12 in Jefferson, TX, USA   


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