Dorothy Theresa Rothe

This is the Family tree of Dorothy Theresa Rothe, a member (in the 26th generation) of a great family.
Dorothy has 20 ancestors and 15 heirs.

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  1. Dorothy Theresa Rothe born 1931-07-07 in Medina, TX, USA
    1. Debra Ann Cheney born 1954-02-11 in Medina, TX, USA
      1. Ryan Paul Wiemers born 1978-11-01 in Bexar, TX, USA
      2. Sheila Laine Wiemers born 1981-10-16 in Bexar, TX, USA  
    2. Margie Beth Cheney born 1956-06-03 in Medina, TX, USA
      1. Lauren Elaine House born 1985-06-01 in Harris, TX, USA
      2. Beth Erin House born 1989-05-16 in Harris, TX, USA   
    3. Diane Marie Cheney born 1960-08-14 in Medina, TX, USA
      1. Diane Marie Cheney born after 1978 in Unknown
      2. Cora Katherine Deleon born 1984-01-14 in Harris, TX, USA
      3. Amanda Elizabeth Deleon born 1987-04-29 in Wharton, TX, USA
      4. Steve Austin Deleon born 1989-05-15 in Wharton, TX, USA
    4. Wayne Anthony Cheney born 1961-09-17 in Medina, TX, USA
      1. Abigail Leigh Cheney born 1988-02-12 in Bexar, TX, USA   
      2. Parker Kyle Cheney born 1990-01-05 in Bexar, TX, USA   
      3. Amelia Paige Cheney born 1992-09-17 in Tarrant, TX, USA  


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