Elfi Czybulka

This is the Family tree of Elfi Czybulka, a member (in the 24th generation) of a great family.
Elfi has 7 heirs.

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  1. Elfi Czybulka born 1918-03-18 in Deutschland - 2004
    1. Karl Uwe Czybulka born 1949-03-15 in Deutschland (Lehrer)    
      1. Janina Czybulka born 1973-05-31 in Seoul (Hotelmanagerin)    
        1. Oscar Felix born 2003-04-27 in Berlin
        2. Jette Felix born 2005-07-21 in Bremen
      2. Till Czybulka born 1973-10-19 in Deutschland     
      3. Charlotte Czybulka born 1977-01-05 in Deutschland   
        1. Mathies Julius Krohne born 2007-01-09 in Hamburg, D
        2. Irma Madita Krohne born 2010-09-19 in Hamburg, D
        3. Jonna Luise Krohne born 2012-03-06 in Hamburg, D


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Last change: 2019-08-01 (Impressum)