Otti Othersen

This is the Family tree of Otti Othersen, a member (in the 24th generation) of a great family.
Otti has 12 heirs; further 9 relatives by blood (9 living).

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Show generations: 3 4 5 8 all (Level: 99) Write a Comment,
  1. Otti Othersen born ?? in Deutschland
    1. [Tochter] Othersen born ?? in Unknown (Politikerin)
    2. Lydia Othersen born 1948-01-01 in Germany  
      1. Tineken Schulze-Othersen born 1968-03-02 in Bremen, D   
        1. Lasse Schulze-Othersen born 1989-01-01 in Unknown
        2. Ronja Schulze-Othersen born 1993-01-01 in Unknown
        3. Bente Schulze-Othersen born 2001-01-01 in Unknown
        4. ?M Schröter-Willenbrock born about 2009 in D
      2. Eyck Schulze-Othersen born 1971-01-01 in Unknown   
      3. Lonny Jule Schulze-Othersen born 1985-12-01 in Unknown  
        1. Tabea Schulze-Othersen born about 2006 in Unknown
        2. Faith Schulze-Othersen born about 2008 in Unknown
      4. Milo Schulze-Othersen born 1986-01-01 in Unknown


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Last change: 2019-08-01 (Impressum)