Johanne Christine Stiegler

This is the Family tree of Johanne Christine Stiegler, a member (in the 24th generation) of a great family.
Johanne has 5 ancestors and 16 heirs.

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  1. Johanne Christine Stiegler born 1841-12-21 in Ilsfeld, Württemberg, Germany - 1921
    1. Karoline Christiane Ramm born 1864-03-04 in Ilsfeld, Württemberg, Germany - 1947
      1. John Carl Jr. Oletzke born 1890-06-04 in MN, USA - 1959
      2. Wilhelm F. E. M. Oletzke born about Dec 1891 in MN, USA
      3. Frieda F. A. Oletzke born 1894-07-18 in Annandale, MN USA
      4. Ludwig W. A. Oletzke born 1898-12-04 in MN, USA
      5. Maria K Oletzke born 1898-12-04 in MN, USA
    2. Anna Marie Ramm born 1869-03-30 in Ilsfeld, Württemberg, Germany - 1950
    3. Christian Karl Ramm born 1870-06-04 in Ilsfeld, Württemberg, Germany
    4. Johann Gottlieb Jr. Ramm born 1871-08-02 in Ilsfeld, Württemberg, Germany - 1948
    5. Johanna Ramm born 1874-02-18 in Ilsfeld, Württemberg, Germany
    6. Johann Christian Ramm born 1874-02-18 in Ilsfeld, Württemberg, Germany
    7. Wilhelm Friedrich Ramm born 1875-02-21 in Ilsfeld, Württemberg, Germany
    8. Maria Ramm born 1876-02-17 in Ilsfeld, Württemberg, Germany - 1971
    9. Lina Ramm born 1878-07-21 in Ilsfeld, Württemberg, Germany
    10. Friederike Ramm born 1880-06-16 in Ilsfeld, Württemberg, Germany
    11. Gottlob Ramm born 1883-06-27 in Ilsfeld, Württemberg, Germany - 1956


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