Willie E. Koepsel

This is the Family tree of Willie E. Koepsel, a member (in the 24th generation) of a great family.
Willie has 5 ancestors and 14 heirs.

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  1. Willie E. Koepsel born about 1876 in USA
    1. June Etelka Koepsel born after 1896 in Unknown - 2012
      1. June Elizabeth Rives born 1947-06-02 in Unknown
      2. William Koepsel Rives born 1949-04-01 in Unknown
    2. Dr. Orlando Shirley Koepsel born about 1906 in Seguin,Guadalupe,Tx,USA
    3. Lucile Hulda Koepsel born about 1908 in Seguin, Guadalupe, Tx,USA - 2012
      1. Dr. Donald William Keith Stubbs born 1932-09-26 in Seguin,Guadalupe,Tx,USA
        1. Luci Carol Stubbs born 1954-06-17 in Seguin,Guadalupe,Tx,USA
          1. Gregory Ryan Newsom born 1982-05-04 in San Antonio,Bexar,TX,USA
        2. Landa Susan Stubbs born 1957-12-05 in ee County Alabama,USA
        3. Mary Amber Stubbs born 1962-02-18 in Galveston Tx USA    
          1. Erin Elissabeth Stubbs born 1983-07-26 in Galveston Tx USA  
          2. Ria Catherine Stubbs-Trevino born 1988-09-13 in Galveston, TX, USA   
          3. Daniel Austin Stubbs-Trevino born 1990-10-01 in Galveston, TX, USA  
          4. Luis Alexander Stubbs-Trevino born 1990-10-01 in Galveston, TX, USA    


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