Nell Rose Meuth

This is the Family tree of Nell Rose Meuth, a member (in the 26th generation) of a great family.
She has 10 ancestors and 8 heirs.

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  1. Nell Rose Meuth born 1948-08-02 in Bastrop, TX, USA
    1. Jill Katherine Fohn born 1971-05-06 in Travis,TX,USA    
      1. Kirsten Alyse Pruett born 1998-06-18 in USA   
      2. Ty Richard Pruett born 2003-04-09 in USA
    2. Jason Eric Fohn born 1975-01-23 in Travis,TX,USA   
      1. Elizabeth Fohn born unknown to us in Unknown
      2. Jacob Eric Fohn born after 1993 in USA
      3. Katherine Rose Fohn born after 1993 in USA
    3. Jenna Lynn Fohn born 1984-07-27 in Travis,TX,USA   


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