DBconnecti: ip=, myip= Family tree of Terry Milburn Blake nacido en 1931-05-25 in Plainview, TX

Terry Milburn Blake

This is the Family tree of Terry Milburn Blake, a member (in the 25th generation) of a great family.
He has 7 ancestors and 14 heirs.

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  1. Terry Milburn Blake born 1931-05-25 in Plainview, TX - 2001
    1. Cynthia Rae Blake born 1959-11-22 in Oklahoma City, OK, USA
      1. Jacob Franklin Gregson born 1981-04-28 in Unknown
      2. Benjamin Eli Gregson born 1983-01-23 in Unknown
      3. Aaron Michael Gregson born 1984-12-11 in Unknown
    2. Dayton Lee Blake born 1961-08-26 in Gallup, NM, USA  
      1. Esther Blake born 2007-09-13 in Unknown
      2. Emma Blake born 2009-02-16 in Unknown
    3. Rebekah Ruth Blake born 1965-11-11 in Lamb, TX, USA  
      1. Elisha Eubanks born 1994-02-23 in Flint, Michigan, USA
      2. Elijah Eubanks born 1996-06-07 in Flint, Michigan, USA  
      3. Micah Eubanks born 1998-05-06 in Flint, Michigan, USA
      4. Gabriele Eubanks born 2000-07-05 in Flint, Michigan, USA  
      5. Judah Eubanks born 2004-10-02 in Flint, Michigan, USA
      6. Lydia Eubanks born 2007-06-27 in Flint, Michigan, USA


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