DBconnecti: ip=, myip= Family tree of Karl Ferdinand Pusch nacido en about Jan 1847 in Berlin, D

Karl Ferdinand Pusch

This is the Family tree of Karl Ferdinand Pusch, a member (in the 22th generation) of a great family.
He has 1 ancestors and 11 heirs.

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  1. Karl Ferdinand Pusch born about Jan 1847 in Berlin, D - 1919
    1. Petronellie N Pusch born about 1874 in Minnesota
      1. Philip E Bettenburg born about 1901 in Unknown
        1. Philip Nicholas Bettenburg born about 1925 in MN, USA - 1960
        2. James R Bettenburg born 1927-01-09 in MN, USA (Attorney)
      2. Margaret Laura Bettenburg born 1903-06-06 in Unknown
      3. Lucille K Bettenburg born about 1915 in Unknown
    2. Peter John Pusch born 1877-04-18 in St Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota
      1. Donald Allen Pusch born 1905-12-21 in Anaconda, Montana, USA - 2001
        1. Peter Pusch born about 1931 in Unknown
        2. Dolores Donna Luse Pusch born 1933-11-15 in Issaquah, WA, USA  
        3. Robert Allen Pusch born 1938-10-15 in Seattle, Washington, USA - 2012


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