Emma Amanda Locke

This is the Family tree of Emma Amanda Locke, a member (in the 24th generation) of a great family.
Emma has 119 ancestors and 14 heirs.

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  1. Emma Amanda Locke born 1880-10-01 in Millington, Tuscola, Michigan - 1952
    1. Murden Waldena Irwin born 1909-06-11 in Tombstone, Arizona Territory
      1. Shirley Ann Montes born 1935-10-09 in San Antonio, Bexar, Texas - 2003
        1. Barbara Dawn Beckham born 1956-04-19 in Bexar,TX,USA
    2. Janice Aileen Irwin born 1910-12-17 in Tombstone, Arizona Territory - 1999
      1. Janice Rita Salas born 1928-12-30 in San Antonio, Bexar, Texas
      2. Dorothy Ann Salas born 1930-08-10 in San Antonio, Bexar, Texas
        1. Tommie Allen Reid born 1953-09-24 in Pineville, Rapides, Louisiana - 1953
    3. Dorothy Matia Irwin born 1913-04-01 in Agua Dulce, Nueces, Texas
    4. Ewing Kellogg Irwin born 1916-01-18 in Odem, San Patricio, Texas - 2002
      1. Ronald Ewing Irwin born 1947-07-23 in Minden, Webster, Louisiana - 1947
    5. Ruth Angevine Irwin born 1919-04-25 in Odem, San Patricio, Texas - 1997
      1. David Clinton Crane born 1937-10-10 in Bexar,TX,USA  
        1. Alison Diane Crane born 1973-07-14 in Harris,TX, USA
    6. Edward Laurence Irwin born 1924-08-23 in Odem, San Patricio, Texas


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