Ophelia Nowotny

This is the Family tree of Ophelia Nowotny, a member (in the 24th generation) of a great family.
Ophelia has 13 heirs.

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  1. Ophelia Nowotny born 1892-10-04 in New Braunfels, Comal, Texas - 1936
    1. Norbert Paul Schumann born 1911-08-13 in New Braunfels, Comal, Texas - 1970
    2. Melba Tekla Schumann born 1913-11-25 in USA
    3. Irene Hildegard Schumann born 1915-08-24 in New Braunfels, Comal, Texas
      1. Kathleen Coyne born 1942-03-03 in Harris, TX, USA
        1. Tracey Diane Littleton born 1972-11-17 in Victoria, TX, USA  
          1. Noah James Hahn born 2001-05-31 in The Woodlands, TX (Montgomery County), USA
          2. Alexandra Grace Hahn born 2003-11-11 in The Woodlands, TX (Montgomery County), USA
      2. Brian David Coyne born 1945-03-29 in Harris, TX, USA
      3. Mary Ann Coyne born about Oct. 1950 in Arkansas City, KS (Cowley County)
        1. Anne Therese Conley born 1962-11-20 in Dallas, TX, USA
        2. Shawn Joseph Pack born 1969-09-12 in Harris, TX, USA
      4. James Patrick Coyne born 1956-09-01 in Arkansas City, KS (Cowley County)
    4. Mary Ann Schumann born 1922-04-19 in New Braunfels, Comal, Texas - 1963


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