Fritz Rudeloff

This is the Family tree of Fritz Rudeloff, a member (in the 25th generation) of a great family.
Fritz has 27 heirs.

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  1. Fritz Rudeloff born about 1857 in Unknown
    1. Alma Rudeloff born 1885-10-04 in USA
      1. Elizabeth Jubela born 1910-07-01 in Guadaupe, Texas
    2. Fritz Rudeloff born 1888-08-04 in USA - 1888
    3. Hulda Hermina Rudeloff born about 1892 in USA
      1. William Herbert III Striebeck born 1923-08-15 in Seguin, Guadalupe, Texas - 1990
        1. Julita Krystyn Striebeck born 1958-07-07 in Delhi, Louisiana USA
        2. Willam Ray Striebeck born 1959-05-30 in Lavaca, TX, USA   
        3. Timothy Striebeck born 1960-07-30 in Lavaca, TX, USA
          1. Timothy Caleb Striebeck born 1989-05-14 in USA
        4. Mark Striebeck born 1963-03-12 in Lavaca, TX, USA
        5. Carrie Lynn Striebeck born 1965-03-25 in Colorado, TX, USA
      2. Jonas Isbel Striebeck born 1925-03-24 in Seguin, Guadalupe, Texas
        1. William Scott Striebeck born 1948-11-03 in Kleberg, TX, USA
          1. Jake Patrick Striebeck born 1978-12-20 in Wharton, TX, USA
          2. Laura Leigh Striebeck born 1978-12-20 in Wharton, TX, USA
        2. Jamie Cecelia Striebeck born 1950-01-20 in Kleberg, TX, USA
    4. Ida Elizabeth Rudeloff born 1895-06-15 in Seguin, Guadalupe, Texas
      1. Lola Mae Stautzenberger born 1922-05-13 in Tynan, Bee, Texas
        1. Dennis Clarence DeWitt born 1946-07-27 in Bee, TX, USA
        2. Michael William Page born 1957-11-02 in Bee, TX, USA
    5. Otto Dietrich Rudeloff born 1898-12-28 in Schumannsville, Guadalupe, Texas
      1. Richard Edward Rudeloff born 1924-02-07 in Seguin, Guadalupe, Texas, USA (Attorny)   
        1. Debra Ann Rudeloff born 1950-08-15 in Bee TX, USA
        2. Richard Edward Jr. Rudeloff born 1953-10-31 in Bee TX, USA
          1. Brooke Elayne Rudeloff born 1985-01-23 in Travis TX, USA   
          2. Richard Edward III Rudeloff born 1987-04-01 in Harris TX, USA
        3. Debra Ann Rudeloff born 1955-07-29 in Bexar TX, USA


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