William Isaiah Sr. Irwin

This is the Family tree of William Isaiah Sr. Irwin, a member (in the 23th generation) of a great family.
William has 11 ancestors and 17 heirs.

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  1. William Isaiah Sr. Irwin born 1864-04-22 in Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan - 1955
    1. Ruth Irwin born 1893-03-26 in Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan - 1893
    2. Ruby Irwin born 1893-10-13 in Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan - 1893
    3. William Jennings Bryan Isaiah Jr. Irwin born 1895-04-22 in Creede, Mineral, Colorado - 1965
      1. William Pierson Irwin born 1930-01-09 in USA
      2. Carolyn F. Irwin born 1933-12-27 in USA - 1987
    4. Irene Iris Irwin born 1896-03-21 in Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan
      1. June Balkema born 1920-01-04 in Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan
      2. Jack Balkema born about 1927 in USA
    5. Worden Irwin born 1903-04-22 in Michigan - 1909
    6. Charles Harold Irwin born 1909-03-21 in Hackley Twp, Vilas, Wisconsin - 1983
      1. Thomas Michael Irwin born 1936-04-22 in East Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan - 1976
      2. Baby Girl Irwin born about 1941 in USA - 1941
    7. Robert Worden Irwin born 1911-04-01 in Hackley Twp, Vilas, Wisconsin
      1. Linda Irwin born 1934-01-03 in USA - 1989
    8. Maxine Lou Irwin born 1915-05-21 in Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan - 1971
    9. Maxwell Louis Irwin born 1915-05-21 in Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan
      1. Margaret Irwin born about 1947 in Unknown  


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