James Bamford

This is the Family tree of James Bamford, a member (in the 17th generation) of a great family.
James has 2 ancestors and 29 heirs.

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  1. James Bamford born 1697-05-09 in Hampton/Durham, New Hampshire
    1. Jacob Bamford born about 1714 in Chester, Rockingham, New Hampshire - 1760
      1. John Basford born 1741-10-25 in Chester, Rockingham, New Hampshire
      2. Ebenezer Basford born 1744-11-19 in Chester, Rockingham, New Hampshire
        1. Sarah Basford born about 1765 in Chester, Rockingham, New Hampshire
        2. Moses Basford born 1766-09-29 in Chester, Rockingham, New Hampshire
        3. Abigail Basford born about 1769 in Chester, Rockingham, New Hampshire
        4. Ebenezer Basford born about 1770 in USA
        5. David Basford born about 1772 in Chester, Rockingham, New Hampshire
        6. John Basford born about 1772 in Chester, Rockingham, New Hampshire
        7. Reuben Basford born about 1774 in Chester, Rockingham, New Hampshire
        8. Betsy Basford born about 1781 in Chester, Rockingham, New Hampshire - 1807
        9. Nathaniel Basford born about 1783 in Chester, Rockingham, New Hampshire
        10. Walter Basford born 1785-07-22 in Chester, Rockingham, New Hampshire - 1865
        11. Lucretia Basford born about 1787 in Chester, Rockingham, New Hampshire - 1865
        12. Mary Basford born about 1790 in Chester, Rockingham, New Hampshire
        13. Amy Basford born 1794-11-10 in Chester, Rockingham, New Hampshire
      3. Abigail Basford born 1747-01-02 in Chester, Rockingham, New Hampshire
      4. Jacob Basford born about 1750 in USA
      5. James Basford born 1754-08-08 in Chester, Rockingham, New Hampshire
      6. Mary Basford born 1758-12-23 in Chester, Rockingham, New Hampshire
    2. James Bamford born 1721-11-29 in Hampton/Durham, New Hampshire
    3. Charles Bamford born about 1723 in Hampton/Durham, New Hampshire
      1. Charles Bamford born about 1739 in Portsmouth, Rockingham, New Hampshire
    4. Joseph Basford born about 1728 in Chester, Rockingham, New Hampshire
      1. Joseph Jr. Basford born about 1750 in Chester, Rockingham, New Hampshire
      2. Benjamin Basford born 1756-04-25 in Chester, Rockingham, New Hampshire
      3. Elizabeth Basford born 1760-10-01 in Chester, Rockingham, New Hampshire
      4. James Basford born 1762-09-27 in Chester, Rockingham, New Hampshire
      5. Aaron Basford born 1764-07-17 in Chester, Rockingham, New Hampshire


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