Karoline Grimm

This is the Family tree of Karoline Grimm, a member (in the 25th generation) of a great family.
Karoline has 2 ancestors and 10 heirs.

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  1. Karoline Grimm born 1841-02-20 in Cziste bei Kulm, Westprussen
    1. Ernst Maurer born 1863-07-20 in Texas
    2. Pauline Maurer born 1864-12-13 in Texas
    3. Ida Maurer born 1866-05-01 in Texas
    4. Adele Maurer born 1867-07-10 in Germany
    5. Mathilde Maurer born 1869-09-09 in Germany
    6. Friedrich Maurer born 1871-03-03 in Germany
    7. Albert Maurer born about 1872 in Germany
    8. Hermann Maurer born about 1873 in Germany
    9. Agnes Maurer born about 1874 in Germany
    10. Magda Maurer born about 1876 in Germany


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