William Gylette

This is the Family tree of William Gylette, a member (in the 14th generation) of a great family.
William has 2 ancestors and 19 heirs.

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  1. William Gylette born about 1574 in Devon, England - 1641
    1. Habiah Gillett born about 1603 in England
    2. William Gillett born about 1604 in England
    3. Jeremiah Gillett born about 1608 in England
    4. Jonathan Gillett born about 1610 in Chaffcombe, Somerset, England - 1677
      1. Jonathan Gillett born 1634-06-01 in Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts - 1697
      2. Cornelius Gillett born 1636-07-01 in Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts - 1711
      3. Mary Gillett born about 1638 in Windsor, Hartford, Connecticut - 1711
      4. Anna Gillett born 1639-12-29 in Windsor, Hartford, Connecticut - 1711
      5. Joseph Gillett born about 1641 in USA - 1675
      6. Samuel Gillett born about 1642 in USA - 1676
      7. John Gillett born 1644-10-05 in Windsor, Hartford, Connecticut - 1683
      8. Abigail Gillett born about 1645 in USA - 1648
      9. Jeremiah Gillett born 1647-02-12 in Windsor, Hartford, Connecticut - 1692
      10. Josiah Gillett born about 1666 in USA - 1736
    5. Mary Gillett born about 1610 in England
    6. Elias Gillett born 1611-02-11 in England
    7. Nathan Gillett born about 1612 in England
    8. Thomas Gillett born 1621-03-27 in England
    9. Andrew Gillett born 1623-04-01 in England


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