Christoph Krause

This is the Family tree of Christoph Krause, a member (in the 24th generation) of a great family.
Christoph has 6 heirs.

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  1. Christoph Krause born about 1813 in Deutschland
    1. Rudolph Krause born 1845-09-17 in Zegarowitz, Kreis Kulm, Westprussen, Germany
      1. Ella Krause born about 1880 in USA
      2. Heinrich Krause born about 1880 in USA
      3. Hermine Krause born about 1880 in USA
      4. Otto Krause born about 1880 in USA
    2. Robert Hermann Krause born 1851-05-11 in Texas


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Last change: 2019-08-01 (Impressum)