Sophie Christine Dorothea Auguste Mumme

This is the Family tree of Sophie Christine Dorothea Auguste Mumme, a member (in the 22th generation) of a great family.
Auguste has 25 ancestors and 7 heirs.

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  1. Sophie Christine Dorothea Auguste Mumme born 1855-05-27 in Westerlinde
    1. Auguste Blie born unknown to us in Köln - 1906
    2. Marie Blie born after 1875 in Köln
    3. Karl Blie born 1876-02-05 in Westerlinde - 1956 (Monteur)
      1. Irmgard Blie born 1906-10-12 in Grasleben
        1. Rita Böttcher born 1937-01-01 in Unknown
        2. Rolf Böttcher born 1939-01-17 in Unknown
      2. Karla Blie born 1911-11-02 in Braunschweig


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