Christian Heinrick Deitrick Müller

This is the Family tree of Christian Heinrick Deitrick Müller, a member (in the 20th generation) of a great family.
Christian has 1 ancestors and 10 heirs.

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  1. Christian Heinrick Deitrick Müller born 1845-11-05 in Nienburg, Germany - 1935  
    1. Marie Muller born about 1878 in Germany
    2. Henry S. Muller born about 1880 in Germany
    3. Minna Muller born about 1880 in Germany
    4. August Muller born about 1885 in Hawaii, USA
    5. Anna Muller born 1886-06-25 in Hawaii, USA
    6. Bertha Mueller born 1895-08-24 in Hawaii, USA - 1976  
      1. ** private **


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