Mary Richardson

This is the Family tree of Mary Richardson, a member (in the 19th generation) of a great family.
Mary has 7 heirs.

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  1. Mary Richardson Araw ng Kapanganakan about 1745 in Unknown - 1780
    1. Sarah Basford Araw ng Kapanganakan about 1765 in Chester, Rockingham, New Hampshire
    2. Moses Basford Araw ng Kapanganakan 1766-09-29 in Chester, Rockingham, New Hampshire
    3. Abigail Basford Araw ng Kapanganakan about 1769 in Chester, Rockingham, New Hampshire
    4. Ebenezer Basford Araw ng Kapanganakan about 1770 in USA
    5. David Basford Araw ng Kapanganakan about 1772 in Chester, Rockingham, New Hampshire
    6. John Basford Araw ng Kapanganakan about 1772 in Chester, Rockingham, New Hampshire
    7. Reuben Basford Araw ng Kapanganakan about 1774 in Chester, Rockingham, New Hampshire


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