Emma Helen Tolle

This is the Family tree of Emma Helen Tolle, czlonek (w 24 generacji) duzej rodziny.
Emma ma 4 ancestors i 21 heirs.

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  1. Emma Helen Tolle born 1873-08-31 in Cibolo, Comal, Texas, USA - 1950
    1. Esther Wilhelmina Doerr born 1897-10-02 in Texas, USA - 1973
      1. Edwin Carl Jr. Kattner born 1932-01-23 in Galveston, TX, USA
        1. Edwin Grafton Kattner born 1953-08-14 in El Paso, TX, USA
          1. Kristal Anne Kattner born 1975-12-10 in Lampasas, TX, USA
        2. Patricia Marie Kattner born 1955-02-02 in Lampasas, TX, USA
          1. Samantha Ann Kremplin born 1973-07-22 in Lampasas, TX, USA
          2. Melanie Jean Krempin born 1978-10-18 in Lampasas, TX, USA
        3. Richard Wayne Kattner born 1961-03-23 in Lampasas, TX, USA
          1. Anna Marie Kattner born 1985-12-21 in Bell, TX, USA
          2. Charles Edwin Kattner born 1989-09-15 in Bell, TX, USA
        4. Penny Kaye Kattner born 1963-07-27 in Lampasas, TX, USA
          1. Sara Paige Black born 1993-10-18 in Bell, TX, USA
          2. Chad Austin Black born 1994-11-28 in Bell, TX, USA
    2. Olga Doerr born okolo 1898 in Texas, USA
    3. Meta Doerr born okolo 1900 in Texas, USA
    4. Hilda Doerr born okolo 1900 in Texas, USA
    5. Marie Doerr born okolo 1906 in Texas, USA
    6. Daniel William Doerr born 1908-02-11 in Texas, USA
    7. Elsie Martha Doerr born 1911-01-02 in Texas, USA
    8. Stella Emma Doerr born okolo 1913 in Texas, USA
    9. Robert A Doerr born 1918-05-14 in Texas, USA


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