Herman Edwin Gerdes

This is the Family tree of Herman Edwin Gerdes, czlonek (w 24 generacji) duzej rodziny.
Herman ma 8 ancestors i 13 heirs.

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Show generations: 3 4 5 8 all (Level: 99) Write a Comment,
  1. Herman Edwin Gerdes born 1857-02-06 in Medina County, Texas - 1932
    1. George Louis Gerdes born 1897-09-19 in Texas - 1981
      1. ?M Gerdes born unknown to us in Unknown
      2. Malcolm Louis Gerdes born 1931-12-01 in Guadalupe County, Texas - 1968
    2. Edwin Herman Gerdes born 1898-12-05 in Texas - 1968
    3. Louise Helene Gerdes born 1900-01-18 in Texas - 1977
    4. Lilly Alma Gerdes born 1901-06-21 in Texas - 1976
    5. Marvin Hugo Gerdes born 1903-02-21 in Texas - 1988
      1. Joyce Maureen Gerdes born 1939-06-08 in Guadalupe, TX, USA
        1. Connie Lynn Batey born 1958-11-11 in Guadalupe, TX, USA
          1. Brandon Keith Barnes born 1986-11-21 in Bexar, TX, USA
        2. Cindy Lee Batey born 1959-09-11 in Guadalupe, TX, USA
    6. Richard Rudolph Gerdes born 1904-04-02 in Texas - 1967
    7. Alwine Stella Gerdes born 1906-06-26 in Texas - 1906


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