William E. Gerdes

This is the Family tree of William E. Gerdes, czlonek (w 25 generacji) duzej rodziny.
William ma 9 ancestors i 29 heirs.

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  1. William E. Gerdes born 1902-11-17 in Texas - 1976
    1. Geraldine Jonell Gerdes born 1928-12-07 in Guadalupe, TX, USA
      1. Ronald Wayne Albrecht born 1949-01-23 in Bexar, TX, USA
        1. Misty Lea Albrecht born 1978-01-24 in Galveston, TX, USA   
          1. Tristan Gage Jacobs born in Unknown
          2. McKenzie Saige Jacobs born 2002-07-26 in Unknown
          3. Madison Paige Jacobs born in Unknown
          4. Gavin Pierce Jacobs born 2009-09-17 in Unknown
        2. Travis Wayne Albrecht born 1981-08-25 in Galveston, TX, USA
      2. Douglas Alan Albrecht born 1952-11-15 in Bexar, TX, USA
        1. Michelle Lea Albrecht born 1973-05-05 in Galveston, TX, USA
        2. Clinton Alan Albrecht born 1979-05-13 in Galveston, TX, USA
      3. John Charles Albrecht born 1959-12-03 in Bexar, TX, USA
        1. Heather Michelle Albrecht born 1983-07-03 in Galveston, TX, USA
        2. Amanda Renee Albrecht born 1984-07-23 in Galveston, TX, USA
        3. Jessica Leigh Albrecht born 1987-12-03 in Galveston, TX, USA
    2. Golda Lavern Gerdes born 1933-01-22 in Guadalupe, TX, USA
      1. Duane Lee Herbold born 1953-12-25 in Bexar, TX, USA
      2. Lori Ann Herbold born 1956-06-16 in Guadalupe, TX, USA
    3. Yvonne Marlyn Gerdes born 1938-10-22 in Guadalupe, TX, USA
      1. Gregory Dean Kern born 1958-07-10 in Comal, TX, USA
        1. Mallory Marie Kern born 1986-09-30 in Guadalupe, TX, USA
        2. Gregory Dean Jr. Kern born 1993-03-30 in Guadalupe, TX, USA
      2. Debra Jo Kern born 1961-11-14 in Guadalupe, TX, USA
        1. Erin Lindsey Pennington born 1995-02-03 in Bexar, TX, USA
        2. Kai Kern Plotkin born 1997-01-21 in Travis, TX, USA
      3. Brenda Leigh Kern born 1964-11-27 in Guadalupe, TX, USA
        1. Evan Alan Volpe born 1988-12-19 in Guadalupe, TX, USA
        2. Ava Leigh Volpe born 1992-05-17 in Guadalupe, TX, USA
      4. Lance Stacy Kern born 1968-12-31 in Guadalupe, TX, USA


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