Gustav Jr. Elley

This is the Family tree of Gustav Jr. Elley, czlonek (w 23 generacji) duzej rodziny.
Gustav ma 8 ancestors i 44 heirs.

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  1. Gustav Jr. Elley born okolo 1862 in USA - 1919
    1. Rev. Arthur G. Elley born po 1882 in Unknown
      1. Guss Elley born 1914-01-02 in TX, USA - 1994
      2. Louis Elley born okolo 1916 in TX, USA
        1. Wayne Louis Elley born 1960-07-14 in Milam, TX, USA
      3. Goldie Elley born okolo 1917 in TX, USA
        1. Charles Arthur Short born 1952-11-22 in Jefferson, TX, USA
    2. Lillie Elley born po 1882 in Unknown
      1. Helen Ida Leisner born po 1902 in Unknown
        1. Geraldine Ida Hertel born 1940-10-05 in Harris, TX, USA
      2. Viola Leisner born po 1902 in Unknown
      3. Evelyn Leisner born po 1902 in Unknown
      4. Oscar Leisner born okolo 1919 in Unknown
    3. Bennie Elley born po 1882 in Unknown
      1. Ruby Elley born po 1902 in Unknown
      2. Mamie Elley born po 1902 in Unknown
      3. Miriam Elley born po 1902 in Unknown
    4. Robert Elley born po 1882 in Unknown
      1. Daion Elley born po 1902 in Unknown
      2. Jane Elley born po 1902 in Unknown
      3. Fermon Elley born po 1902 in Unknown
      4. Bernice Elley born po 1902 in Unknown
    5. Lena Elley born po 1882 in Unknown
      1. Alice Hierholzer born po 1902 in Unknown
      2. Gladys Hierholzer born po 1902 in Unknown
      3. Irene Hierholzer born po 1902 in Unknown
      4. Allen Hierholzer born okolo 1920 in TX, USA
        1. Shirley Ann Hierholzer born 1950-02-02 in Comal, TX, USA
        2. Linda Sue Hierholzer born 1952-02-06 in Comal, TX, USA
        3. Randy Allen Hierholzer born 1958-05-16 in Comal, TX, USA
    6. Paul Elley born po 1882 in Unknown
      1. John Elley born po 1902 in Unknown
      2. Lucille Elley born po 1902 in Unknown
      3. Mary Elley born po 1902 in Unknown
      4. Clarice Elley born po 1902 in Unknown
      5. Roselie Elley born po 1902 in Unknown
    7. Martha Elley born po 1882 in Unknown
    8. Child Elley born po 1882 in Unknown
    9. Christian Elley born po 1882 in Unknown
    10. Johanna Elley born po 1882 in Unknown
      1. Mary Johanna Krimmer born 1938-11-16 in Bexar, TX, USA
      2. Judith Fay Krimmer born 1940-08-09 in Bexar, TX, USA
    11. Esther Elley born po 1882 in Unknown
      1. Betty Ann Mason born po 1902 in Unknown
    12. Pearl Elley born po 1882 in Unknown


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