Mary Jane Reeder

This is the Family tree of Mary Jane Reeder, czlonek (w 21 generacji) duzej rodziny.
Mary ma 10 heirs.

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  1. Mary Jane Reeder born 1831-06-01 in Delaware, Ohio - 1899
    1. Henry Clay Allspaugh born 1850-02-01 in Baltimore, Fairfield, Ohio
    2. George W. Allspaugh born okolo 1851 in Fairfield, Ohio
      1. Minnie Allspaugh born okolo 1873 in Ohio
      2. Annie Allspaugh born okolo 1879 in Ohio
    3. James Fillmore Allspaugh born okolo 1852 in Ohio - 1921
    4. Youta Wilson Allspaugh born okolo 1861 in Ohio
      1. Charles Henry Allspaugh born okolo 1884 in USA - 1943
      2. Georgeatte Allspaugh born 1887-05-09 in Mt. Vernon, Knox, Ohio - 1897
      3. William Harvey Allspaugh born okolo 1888 in USA - 1950
      4. Joseph Gordon Allspaugh born okolo 1891 in USA - 1922


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