Jacob Fullenwider

This is the Family tree of Jacob Fullenwider, czlonek (w 19 generacji) duzej rodziny.
Jacob ma 2 ancestors i 19 heirs.

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  1. Jacob Fullenwider born 1767-06-02 in Hagerstown, Maryland - 1848
    1. Eleazer Fullenwider born 1802-02-05 in Shelby, Kentucky - 1870
      1. Elizabeth Fullenwider born 1823-11-08 in USA - 1869
      2. Harriet N. Fullenwider born 1826-09-22 in Shelby, Kentucky - 1899
      3. William S. Fullenwider born 1826-09-22 in Kentucky - 1887
      4. Samuel Logan Fullenwider born 1828-03-23 in Louisville, Kentucky - 1902
        1. Narcissa Fullenwider born okolo 1854 in USA
        2. Eldora Faye Fullenwider born okolo 1855 in USA
        3. Tilpha Leola Fullenwider born okolo 1856 in USA
          1. Bessie Marie Kennedy born okolo 1894 in USA
          2. Harry Charles Kennedy born okolo 1894 in USA
        4. Ida A. Fullenwider born okolo 1858 in USA
        5. Margaret A. Fullenwider born 1859-01-18 in Illinois - 1942
      5. Joseph Newton Fullenwider born okolo 1830 in USA - 1898
      6. Mary Jane Fullenwider born okolo 1832 in USA
      7. Jacob C. Fullenwider born okolo 1834 in USA
      8. Narcissa Ann Fullenwider born okolo 1837 in USA
      9. James Cameron Fullenwider born okolo 1839 in USA - 1863
      10. Robert Allen Fullenwider born 1841-08-05 in USA
      11. Chalmers Eleazer Fullenwider born 1844-08-19 in Waveland, Montgomery, Indiana - 1870


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