Johann Wilhelm Ludwig

This is the Family tree of Johann Wilhelm Ludwig, czlonek (w 25 generacji) duzej rodziny.
Johann ma 18 heirs.

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  1. Johann Wilhelm Ludwig born 1821-04-26 in Lammspring bei Hildesheim, Hannover, Germany
    1. Elise Ludwig born 1852-02-13 in Comal, Texas
    2. Agnes Ludwig born okolo 1859 in Germany
    3. Albert Ludwig born okolo 1859 in Germany
    4. Anna Ludwig born okolo 1859 in Germany
    5. Hermann Ludwig born okolo 1859 in Germany
    6. Ida Ludwig born okolo 1859 in Germany
      1. Emma Ella Rauch born 1890-04-11 in Germany - 1972
        1. Bruno Bodemann born 1909-07-19 in USA - 1920
        2. Heino Bodemann born 1914-08-25 in USA - 1981
        3. Susie Bodemann born 1919-06-19 in USA - 1982
        4. ** private **
        5. ** private **
        6. ** private **
    7. Mathilde Ludwig born okolo 1859 in Germany
    8. Moritz Ludwig born okolo 1859 in Germany
    9. Natalie Ludwig born okolo 1859 in Germany
    10. Theodor Ludwig born okolo 1859 in Germany
    11. Wilhelm Ludwig born okolo 1859 in Germany


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