Gottlieb Friedrick Witte

This is the Family tree of Gottlieb Friedrick Witte, a member (in the 20th generation) of a great family.
Gottlieb has 4 ancestors and 31 heirs.

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  1. Gottlieb Friedrick Witte born about 1820 in Baumgarten - 1870
    1. Henriette Caroline Witte born 1865-05-20 in Hanover, Ontario, Canada - 1940
      1. Elizabeth Emma Morrell born 1886-11-13 in Bentinck, Grey Cty, Ontario, Canada
      2. Isabella Mary Morrell born 1888-06-10 in Bentinck, Grey Cty, Ontario, Canada
      3. Charles Joseph Morrell born 1899-05-19 in Keppel, Grey Cty, Ontario, Canada - 1954
      4. Christina Louisa Morrell born about 1904 in Keppel, Grey Cty, Ontario, Canada - 1969
    2. Elizabeth Ernestine Witte born 1866-08-31 in Hanover, Ontario, Canada - 1941
      1. John Henry Gonder more born 1891-09-09 in Unknown - 1962
      2. Norman George Gonder born 1892-12-02 in Unknown - 1893
      3. Henry George Gonder more born 1893-10-28 in Unknown - 1966
      4. Winnifred Maria Gonder more born 1895-10-27 in Unknown - 1964
      5. Clarence Frederick Gonder more born 1898-03-23 in Bentinck, Grey Cty, Ontario, Canada - 1978
      6. George Russell Gonder more born 1900-10-14 in Elmwood, Ontario, Canada - 1979
      7. Louis Raymond Gonder more born 1902-11-08 in Bentinck, Grey Cty, Ontario, Canada - 1977
      8. Eva Emma Gonder more born 1905-08-22 in Unknown - 1997
      9. Edward William Gonder born 1909-08-18 in Unknown - 1958
    3. Earnestine Helene Witte born 1868-04-12 in Hanover, Ontario, Canada
    4. Christena Witte born about 1870 in Hanover, Ontario, Canada


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