Friedrich Weibel

This is the Family tree of Friedrich Weibel, a member (in the 23th generation) of a great family.
Friedrich has 21 heirs.

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  1. Friedrich Weibel born 1855-10-12 in Rapperswil, Berna, Suiza - 1921   
    1. Arnoldo Weibel born after 1875 in Argentina
      1. Zulma Irma Weibel born after 1895 in Unknown
      2. Miguel Angel Weibel more born 1922-01-06 in Argentina - 2005  
    2. Berta Weibel born about 1885 in Unknown
    3. Rosa Weibel born 1886-02-17 in Unknown - 1960
    4. Federico Weibel born 1889-03-10 in Esperanza, Santa Fe, Argentina - 1950   
      1. Lilia Weibel born after 1909 in Germany  
      2. Rodolfo Weibel born after 1909 in Germany
      3. Alfredo Friedrich Weibel born after 1916 in Germany  
      4. Raúl Eduardo Federico Weibel more born 1920-06-01 in Franck, Santa Fe, Argentina - 1990


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