Henry William Mumme

This is the Family tree of Henry William Mumme, a member (in the 23th generation) of a great family.
Henry has 20 ancestors and 31 heirs.

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  1. Henry William Mumme born 1896-01-09 in Schaumburg, Illinois , USA - 1989
    1. Norma Bertha Mumme born about 1925 in MI, USA - 1941
    2. Edgar Carl Mumme born 1930-02-28 in Watonwan Country, Minnesota, USA  
      1. Mary Caroline Mumme more born 1964-05-24 in Martin, MN, USA    
      2. Mark William Mumme more born 1965-12-18 in Martin, MN, USA   
      3. Paul Gerhard Mumme more born 1969-04-26 in Fairmont,Martin, MN, USA (Plainfield, IL)  
      4. David Carl Mumme more born 1971-07-17 in USA (Sole Pastor)    
      5. Matthew James Mumme more born 1975-11-11 in Martin, MN, USA (Lead Software Engineer)    
    3. Betty Louise Mumme born 1933-01-28 in Watonwan, MN, USA
      1. Debra Marie Henke more born 1960-06-02 in WI, USA
      2. Donna Dora Henke born 1961-06-22 in Martin, MN, USA
    4. Elroy William Mumme born 1935-07-09 in Watonwan, MN, USA
      1. Jonathan William Mumme born 1977-08-29 in Martin, Minnesota (MN), USA
      2. Daniel Elroy Mumme born 1979-03-27 in Martin, Minnesota (MN), USA    
      3. Johanna Kay Mumme born 1982-07-09 in Martin, Minnesota (MN), USA (Teacher)   


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