DBconnecti: ip=, myip= Family tree of Agnes Wilhelmine Von Roeder nacido en 1897-06-18 in Unknown

Agnes Wilhelmine Von Roeder

This is the Family tree of Agnes Wilhelmine Von Roeder, a member (in the 25th generation) of a great family.
Agnes has 12 ancestors and 30 heirs.

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  1. Agnes Wilhelmine Von Roeder born 1897-06-18 in Unknown
    1. Emille Ellen Sorrells born unknown to us in Unknown
      1. Anna Winnell Tucker born 1948-09-01 in Lubbock, TX, USA
      2. Marjorie Lucille Tucker more born 1950-12-08 in Lubbock, TX, USA
      3. Norman James Tucker born 1955-05-22 in Lubbock, TX, USA - 1991
      4. Carolyn Maxine Tucker more born 1958-06-30 in Lubbock, TX, USA
    2. James Nolan Sorrells born 1922-11-15 in Unknown - 1922
    3. Elizabeth Lucille Sorrells born 1928-06-05 in Scurry, TX, USA
      1. Patricia Lou Sterling more born 1952-08-12 in Howard, TX, USA
      2. Linda June Sterling more born 1955-06-09 in Howard, TX, USA
      3. Tanya Sue Sterling more born 1958-04-09 in Howard, TX, USA
      4. Brett Jay Sterling more born 1964-03-14 in Howard, TX, USA


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