William Harborth

This is the Family tree of William Harborth, a member (in the 23th generation) of a great family.
William has 4 ancestors and 205 heirs.

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  1. William Harborth born about 1801 in Brunswick, Germany
    1. Heinrich August Harborth born 1830-07-05 in Dohnsen,Kreis Holzminden,Herzogthum Braunschweig,Germany - 1910
      1. Frederike Louise Harborth more born 1857-07-30 in Guadalupe,,Texas,USA - 1929
      2. Melinda Harborth more born 1876-06-01 in Barbarossa,Guadalupe,Texas,USA - 1950
    2. Heinrich Friedrich Carl Harborth born 1833-07-17 in Kreis Holzminden, Braunschweig, Niedersachsen, Germany - 1906
      1. Christian Hermann Wilhelm Harborth more born 1856-10-06 in Guadalupe Co., TX - 1922
      2. Johanne Caroline Augustina Harborth more born 1858-02-05 in Guadalupe Co., TX - 1898
      3. Caroline Marie Louise Harborth more born 1860-03-25 in Guadalupe Co., TX - 1927
      4. Friederike Louise Alwine Harborth born 1861-04-11 in Guadalupe Co., TX - 1925
      5. Friederike Louise Emma Harborth born 1862-11-10 in Gonzales Co., TX - 1867
      6. W Heinrich Harborth more born 1864-11-01 in Guadalupe Co., TX - 1930
      7. Harry Friedrich Harborth more born 1868-08-14 in Guadalupe, Texas, United States - 1944
      8. Hermine Harborth more born 1872-03-12 in Guadalupe Co., TX - 1955
      9. Hugo Harborth more born about 1875 in TX, USA
    3. Fritz Harborth born about 1840 in Guadalupe, Texas, United States
      1. Augusta Harborth born about 1869 in TX, USA
      2. Frederick Harborth more born about 1872 in TX, USA
      3. Alwin Harborth born about 1874 in TX, USA
      4. Adolph Harborth more born about Oct 1876 in TX, USA
      5. Gustave Harborth more born about Nov 1879 in TX, USA
    4. Wilhelm Friedrich Harborth born about 1852 in TX, USA - 1935
      1. Alma Harborth born about 1879 in TX, USA


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