Wilhelmine Caroline Tiefenteller

This is the Family tree of Wilhelmine Caroline Tiefenteller, a member (in the 20th generation) of a great family.
Wilhelmine has 2 ancestors and 115 heirs; further 100 relatives by blood (61 living).

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  1. Wilhelmine Caroline Tiefenteller born about 1779 in Deutschland - 1834  
    1. August Friedrich Gebhardt born 1805-03-05 in Kleinwall b. Kagel - 1806
    2. Heinrich Ferdinand Gebhardt born 1809-04-25 in Kleinwall b. Kagel Kr. Niederbarnim - 1885 (Prediger)    
      1. Auguste Heinrike Anna-Sophie Gebhardt born 1841-09-27 in Zehdenick  
      2. Heinrich August Gebhardt born 1843-04-10 in Zehdenick - 1871 (Marineoffizier)
      3. Hedwig Emma Ida Gebhardt born 1844-11-04 in Zehdenick - 1874
      4. Dr. phil. Clara Maria Martha Gebhardt born 1850-02-26 in Zehdenick - 1934   
        1. Carl Heinrich Anton Burckhardt born 1874-09-22 in Berlin - 1940 (Bankvorstand)
        2. Carl Berthold Martin Anton Burckhardt born 1876-03-03 in Luisenstadt, Berlin, Brandenburg, Preußen, Germany - 1936  
        3. Anton Carl Heinrich Max Burckhardt born 1877-02-19 in Berlin - 1878
        4. Rahel Martha Bertha Clara Elisabeth Gebhardt more born 1879-06-17 in Tempelhof b. Berlin - 1959   
        5. Martha Caché born after 1885 in Germany
      5. Johannes Martin Gebhardt born 1851-12-14 in Neutrebbin - 1871 (Buchhändler)
      6. Dr. med. Heinrich Ferdinand Paul Gebhardt born 1853-10-11 in Neutrebbin - 1937 (Kreisarzt)   
        1. Elisabeth Gebhardt born about 1883 in Germany (Schuldirektorin)
        2. Heinrich Gebhardt more born 1885-04-17 in Germany - 1939 (Konteradmiral)   
        3. Karl Martin Ludwig Gebhardt more born 1888-06-03 in Grünstadt - 1970 (Abteilungsleiter)   
        4. Paul Gebhardt more born after 1888 in Deutschland - 1972 (Landwirt)   
        5. Clara Gebhardt born about 1894 in Germany - 1983 (Lehrerin)   
        6. Martha Gebhardt born about 1902 in Germany   
      7. Prof. Gotthold Heinrich Martin Gebhardt born 1855-03-31 in Neutrebbin - 1925 (Professor für Musik)   
        1. Martin Gebhardt more born 1885-10-11 in Deutschland - 1965 (Gutsverwalter)   
        2. Hans Joachim Gebhardt more born 1886-12-19 in Potsdam - 1956 (Musiklehrer)   
        3. Margarete Gebhardt born after 1887 in Germany - 1969 (Sängerin)   
        4. Brunhild Klara Henriette Hertha Gebhardt more born 1891-10-07 in Potsdam ,D - 1966   
      8. Maria Clara Mathilde Ottilie Gebhardt born 1858-07-17 in Neutrebbin - 1859
      9. Dr. jur. Heinrich Theodor Maximilian Gebhardt born 1860-06-18 in Neutrebbin - 1927 (Jurist)  


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