Dorothy Lee Muennink

This is the Family tree of Dorothy Lee Muennink, a member (in the 26th generation) of a great family.
Dorothy has 80 ancestors and 7 heirs.

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  1. Dorothy Lee Muennink born 1945-07-14 in USA
    1. Kathilyn Marie Beard born 1965-12-22 in Hondo, TX, USA (Lead Business Analyst)    
      1. Kassity Dunaway born 1992-12-31 in TX, USA  
      2. Kori Taylor Dunaway born 1993-02-08 in Bexar,TX,USA   
      3. Dillon Dunaway born about 1998 in TX, USA
      4. Shelby Dunaway born about 2001 in TX, USA
    2. Brett Elvin Beard born 1967-11-20 in USA
    3. Loal Wayne Beard born 1969-10-23 in Medina,TX,USA


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Last change: 2019-08-01 (Impressum)