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- William Frank Schaper born 1860-12-07 in Texas? - 1891
- Louisa Schaper born 1881-09-01 in Texas - 1967
- Lorene Myrtle Leifeste born about 1906 in USA
- Lee Roy Alvin Leifeste born about 1909 in USA - 1976
- Lee Roy Alvin Jr. Leifeste born about 1929 in USA
- Viola Mae Leifeste born about 1910 in USA
- Fred Lewis Schaper born 1883-02-22 in Bexar, TX, USA - 1922
- Charles S Schaper born about 1907 in Bexar, TX, USA
- Sedonnie Schaper born about 1909 in Bexar, TX, USA
- Anna Catherine Schaper born 1884-03-16 in Texas - 1959
- Mildred Weigand born 1912-06-03 in USA - 2002
- Albert Charles Weigand born 1915-02-02 in USA - 1992
- Elenor Weigand born 1919-04-04 in USA - 1997
- Stanley Weigand born 1919-04-04 in USA
- Donna Joyce Weigand born about 1953 in USA - 1998
- Lelah Jeannine Weigand born 1928-10-16 in USA - 2000
- John August II Schaper born 1885-10-01 in Texas - 1965
- Henry William Schaper born about 1908 in Aurich-Oldendorf, Ostfriesland, Kingdom of Hannove - 1964
- Benjamin Gilbert Schaper born about 1910 in USA - 1951
- Mary Elizabeth Schaper born about 1925 in USA
- Lydia Schaper born about 1887 in Texas - 1970
- John Wesley Lawler born about 1904 in Aurich-Oldendorf, Ostfriesland, Kingdom of Hannove - 1955
- Charles Wesley Lawler born 1924-11-03 in USA
- Orva May Gerry Lawler born about 1927 in San Antonio, Bexar, Texas
- Aurena Louise Lawler born 1905-06-18 in USA
- Helen Francis Kelly born 1929-11-08 in USA - 1972
- Frank Alvin Lawler born 1908-05-03 in San Antonio, Bexar, Texas - 1973
- Betty Jean Lawler born 1931-09-18 in Bexar, TX, USA
- William Schaper born 1888-06-01 in Texas - 1925
- Malinda Amanda Schaper born 1889-09-11 in San Antonio, Bexar, Texas? - 1951
- Dorothy Evelyn Schumann born 1910-07-13 in San Antonio, Bexar, Texas - 1990
- Danisha Bartlett more born 1938-07-09 in Prescott, AZ. , USA
- Sharon Bartlett more born about 1941 in USA
- William Dwight Bartlett born about 1944 in USA
- Clinton Forrest Schumann born 1912-07-12 in Southton, Bexar, Texas - 1976
- David Clinton Crane more born 1937-10-10 in Bexar,TX,USA
- Carrol Putman Schumann born 1950-01-19 in Bexar, TX, USA
- Carolyn Signa Schumann born 1951-03-06 in Bexar, TX, USA
- Beverly Sue Schumann born 1952-05-05 in San Antonio, Bexar, Texas - 1957
- Ethel Minnie Schumann born 1920-04-24 in Southton, Bexar, Texas
- Samuel Craig Guzzardo born 1946-09-24 in Bexar, TX, USA
- Hulda Schaper born 1891-07-02 in Texas - 1975
- Dalton Paul Hoffman born about 1922 in USA
- LaVora Hoffman born about 1922 in USA
- Marjorie Hoffman born about 1922 in USA
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