Doris Jean Hines

This is the Family tree of Doris Jean Hines, a member (in the 26th generation) of a great family.
She has 8 ancestors and 6 heirs.

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  1. Doris Jean Hines born 1939-03-16 in Milam, TX, USA
    1. Michelle Marie Howell born 1959-12-04 in Wharton, TX, USA
      1. Ryan Anson Stanford born 1980-10-24 in Harris, TX, USA
      2. Brandee Danielle Andrews born 1995-03-27 in Harris, TX, USA  
    2. Michelle Marie Hines born 1959-12-04 in Wharton, TX, USA
    3. Russel Hines born about 1963 in USA
    4. Russell Neil Howell born 1963-10-21 in Wharton, TX, USA


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