Nathan Rowlee

This is the Family tree of Nathan Rowlee, a member (in the 21th generation) of a great family.
Nathan has 15 heirs.

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  1. Nathan Rowlee born 1782-04-06 in Warwick, Orange, California - 1839
    1. John Carr Rowlee born 1805-05-15 in Warwick, Orange, New York - 1881
      1. Shubael Emulous Rowlee born 1836-10-22 in Volney, Oswego, New York - 1920
        1. John Eli Rowlee more born 1859-10-25 in USA - 1950
        2. S. Jennie Rowlee born 1865-02-15 in USA - 1921
        3. Anna Rowlee born about 1870 in USA
        4. Carrie Rowlee born about 1870 in USA
      2. Virgil Nathan Rowlee born 1839-01-03 in Volney, Oswego, New York - 1920
        1. Ernest Rowlee more born 1868-07-21 in USA - 1942
        2. Earl Rowlee more born 1876-11-20 in USA - 1943


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