Anna Sophie Marie Catherine Thamm

This is the Family tree of Anna Sophie Marie Catherine Thamm, a member (in the 22th generation) of a great family.
Anna has 53 heirs.

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  1. Anna Sophie Marie Catherine Thamm born 1867-09-27 in Bovenau/SH
    1. Irma Beck born ?? in Rendsburg
      1. Ralph Zulkowsky born ?? in Germany
    2. Bruno Beck born ?? in Rendsburg - .101
    3. Hermann Beck born ?? in Rendsburg - .101
    4. Dorothee Beck born ?? in Rendsburg - .101
      1. Hugo Beck born ?? in Germany - .101
    5. Emil Beck born ?? in Rendsburg - .101
    6. Karl Beck born ?? in Rendsburg - .101
    7. Christine Beck born ?? in Rendsburg - .101
    8. Helene Beck born ?? in Rendsburg - .101
    9. Max Beck born ?? in Rendsburg - .101
      1. Hermann Beck born ?? in Germany - .101
        1. Tina Beck born ?? in Unknown - .101
        2. ?M Beck born ?? in Unknown - .101
    10. Wilhelm Beck born 1900-11-18 in Rendsburg - 2001 (Buchdruckermeister)
      1. Irmgard Beck born ?? in Bremen
        1. Lydia Othersen more born 1948-01-01 in Germany  
      2. Helga Sophie Lina Gehl born 1924-04-04 in Bremen (Buchhalterin)   
        1. Rixa Gehl more born 1949-08-15 in Germany (Lehrerin)   
        2. Dr. med. Petra Gehl more born 1950-06-15 in Deutschland    
        3. Anja Gehl more born 1962-08-12 in Germany   


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