Mary Genelle Hines

This is the Family tree of Mary Genelle Hines, a member (in the 26th generation) of a great family.
She has 8 ancestors and 9 heirs.

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  1. Mary Genelle Hines born about 1923 in TX, USA
    1. Richard Warner Avery born about 1942 in USA
      1. Linda Lynne Avery born about 1966 in Unknown
      2. Russel Warner Avery born about 1977 in Unknown
    2. Fred Lee Avery born about 1947 in USA
      1. Rhonda Kay Avery born 1968-05-23 in Harris, TX, USA
      2. Sheri Leigh Avery born 1972-03-17 in Harris, TX, USA
    3. Marvin Lynn Avery born about 1950 in USA
      1. Steven Michael Avery born 1972-05-25 in Harris, TX, USA
      2. Kevin Lynn Avery born 1975-03-13 in Harris, TX, USA


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Last change: 2019-08-01 (Impressum)