Minna Gebhardt

This is the Family tree of Minna Gebhardt, a member (in the 23th generation) of a great family.
Minna has 13 ancestors and 32 heirs.

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  1. Minna Gebhardt born 1884-10-17 in Höllstein/Schweiz - 1946  
    1. Hellmut Loewenthal born 1905-02-07 in Tiengen,D - 1981 (Optikermeister)
      1. Heidy Loewenthal born 1938-07-07 in Bern, CH   
        1. Florian Frank Löwenthal born 1963-03-21 in Offenbach/Main (Physiker und Informatiker)    
          1. Benjamin Fässler born 2008-09-25 in Basel, Schweiz
        2. Marc Pascal Löwenthal born 1965-01-17 in Frankfurt/M (Physiker und Informatiker)    
      2. Irene Loewenthal born 1941-07-20 in Bern, Schweiz - 1986
        1. David Löwenthal born 1984-02-07 in Basel, Schweiz   
    2. Erich Loewenthal born 1906-05-29 in Tiengen,D - 1945
      1. Horst Löwenthal born after 1924 in Deutschland
        1. Andrea Christine Löwenthal born 1967-07-08 in Schaffhausen
        2. Eric Löwenthal born 1970-06-20 in Waldshut
      2. Ruth Loewenthal born 1929-02-08 in Tiengen - 2011     
        1. Gerhard Genswein born 1952-02-04 in Unterlauchringen  
          1. Claudia Genswein born 1978-03-26 in Stuttgart   
          2. Markus Genswein born 1980-02-04 in Stuttgart  
          3. Gabriela Genswein born 1982-01-06 in Stuttgart    
          4. Max Genswein born about 1994 in D   
        2. Hubert Genswein born 1954-10-05 in Unterlauchringen  
          1. Anika Genswein born 1977-03-08 in Rheinfelden   
          2. Marieke Genswein born 1979-06-08 in Rheinfelden   
          3. Marius Genswein born 1985-03-21 in Bad Säckingen  
        3. Rolf Genswein born 1956-11-27 in Wehr/Baden, D  
          1. Andrea Genswein born about 1985 in Germany  
          2. Nadine Genswein born 1996-09-19 in Wehr, Germany   
        4. Heinz Joachim Genswein born 1959-09-10 in Wehr/Baden, D
      3. Edith Loewenthal born 1930-11-29 in Tiengen,D - 2012   
        1. Eric Roy Reid born 1960-02-04 in Maiami, Florida, USA - 1986
        2. Dr. Marguerite Dianne Reid born 1963-02-09 in Miami, FL, USA     
        3. Andrew Mark Reid born 1966-05-23 in Maiami, Florida, USA
      4. Renate Löwenthal born 1940-09-07 in Tiengen - 1996
        1. Oliver Graf born 1980-09-06 in Deutschland
    3. Edith Löwenthal born about 1908 in Unknown - 1923


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