Oscar Albert Schumann

This is the Family tree of Oscar Albert Schumann, a member (in the 24th generation) of a great family.
Oscar has 34 ancestors and 16 heirs.

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  1. Oscar Albert Schumann born 1886-07-18 in New Braunfels, Comal, Texas - 1946
    1. Dorothy Evelyn Schumann born 1910-07-13 in San Antonio, Bexar, Texas - 1990
      1. Danisha Bartlett born 1938-07-09 in Prescott, AZ. , USA
        1. Brenda Gay Boyd born about 1960 in USA
        2. David K. Boyd born about 1965 in USA  
      2. Sharon Bartlett born about 1941 in USA
        1. William Gravell born about 1959 in USA
        2. Matthew Gravell born about 1969 in USA
      3. William Dwight Bartlett born about 1944 in USA
    2. Clinton Forrest Schumann born 1912-07-12 in Southton, Bexar, Texas - 1976
      1. David Clinton Crane born 1937-10-10 in Bexar,TX,USA  
        1. Alison Diane Crane born 1973-07-14 in Harris,TX, USA
      2. Carrol Putman Schumann born 1950-01-19 in Bexar, TX, USA
      3. Carolyn Signa Schumann born 1951-03-06 in Bexar, TX, USA
      4. Beverly Sue Schumann born 1952-05-05 in San Antonio, Bexar, Texas - 1957
    3. Ethel Minnie Schumann born 1920-04-24 in Southton, Bexar, Texas
      1. Samuel Craig Guzzardo born 1946-09-24 in Bexar, TX, USA


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