Friedrich Dreyer

This is the Family tree of Friedrich Dreyer, a member (in the 24th generation) of a great family.
Friedrich has 23 heirs.

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  1. Friedrich Dreyer born 1824-12-18 in USA - 1910
    1. Sophie Dreyer born about 1857 in USA - 1956
      1. Mary Klein born 1886-09-11 in Marion, Guadalupe, Texas
        1. Gertrude Hoffman born about 1917 in USA
      2. Reno F. Klein born 1886-09-11 in Marion, Guadalupe, Texas - 1971
        1. Amy Christine Klein born 1910-12-05 in USA - 1999  
        2. Loree Louise Klein born 1911-03-29 in USA
          1. Ralf Lawson Reveley born 1933-07-20 in USA - 1994
          2. Sarah Reveley born 1945-03-10 in Bexar, TX, USA  
        3. Ralph Reno Klein born 1914-10-16 in Marion, Guadalupe, Texas
      3. Elsie Klein born about 1890 in USA
      4. Felix Klein born about 1890 in USA
      5. Helen Klein born about 1890 in USA
      6. Joseph Klein born about 1890 in USA
        1. Inez Klein born about 1925 in USA
        2. Jack Klein born about 1925 in USA
        3. Joseph Jr. Klein born about 1925 in USA
        4. Ogden Klein born about 1925 in USA
      7. Rudolph William Klein born 1899-01-17 in Marion, Guadalupe, Texas - 1977
        1. Thomas Ferdinand Klein born 1928-03-28 in Seguin, Guadalupe, Texas
        2. Joanne Faye Klein born 1930-08-07 in Seguin, Guadalupe, Texas
      8. Sophia Maria Klein born 1905-03-06 in Marion, Guadalupe, Texas
        1. Lexie Clarke born 1926-04-04 in Aurich-Oldendorf, Ostfriesland, Kingdom of Hannove
        2. Unnamed Son Clarke born after 1927 in USA


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