Henry II Schweers

This is the Family tree of Henry II Schweers, a member (in the 24th generation) of a great family.
Henry has 25 ancestors and 14 heirs.

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  1. Henry II Schweers Araw ng Kapanganakan 1875-06-12 in Medina, Texas - 1931  
    1. Pearl Schweers Araw ng Kapanganakan about 1902 in Texas, USA
    2. Elsie Schweers Araw ng Kapanganakan about abt 1905 in Texas, USA
    3. Wesley Schweers Araw ng Kapanganakan about 1907 in Texas, USA
    4. Minnie Schweers Araw ng Kapanganakan about 1909 in Texas, USA
    5. Roy Schweers Araw ng Kapanganakan about 1911 in Texas, USA
    6. Ruby Schweers Araw ng Kapanganakan about 1915 in Texas, USA
      1. Curtis Wayne Segura more Araw ng Kapanganakan 1940-11-07 in Bexar, TX, USA
      2. Travis Gene Sebera more Araw ng Kapanganakan 1946-06-15 in Bexar, TX, USA
    7. Myrtle Schweers Araw ng Kapanganakan about 1917 in Texas, USA
      1. Gary Wayne Szafranski Araw ng Kapanganakan 1942-09-17 in Bexar, TX, USA
      2. Sharon Kay Szafranski Araw ng Kapanganakan 1944-11-10 in Bexar, TX, USA


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